martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Good enough

Today it will be the words of some other the ones I shall be sharing. I found them beautiful enough for me to want to share it...

Me basta así
Si yo fuese Dios
y tuviese el secreto,
haría un ser exacto a ti;
lo probaría
(a la manera de los panaderos
cuando prueban el pan, es decir:
con la boca),
y si ese sabor fuese
igual al tuyo, o sea
tu mismo olor, y tu manera
de sonreír,
y de guardar silencio,
y de estrechar mi mano estrictamente,
y de besarnos sin hacernos daño
—de esto sí estoy seguro: pongo
tanta atención cuando te beso—;

si yo fuese Dios,
podría repetirte y repetirte,
siempre la misma y siempre diferente,
sin cansarme jamás del juego idéntico,
sin desdeñar tampoco la que fuiste
por la que ibas a ser dentro de nada;
ya no sé si me explico, pero quiero
aclarar que si yo fuese
Dios, haría
lo posible por ser Ángel González
para quererte tal como te quiero,
para aguardar con calma
a que te crees tú misma cada día
a que sorprendas todas las mañanas
la luz recién nacida con tu propia
luz, y corras
la cortina impalpable que separa
el sueño de la vida,
resucitándome con tu palabra,
Lázaro alegre,
mojado todavía
de sombras y pereza,
sorprendido y absorto
en la contemplación de todo aquello
que, en unión de mí mismo,
recuperas y salvas, mueves, dejas
abandonado cuando —luego— callas...
(Escucho tu silencio.
constelaciones: existes.
Creo en ti.
Me basta).

Ángel González (1925-2008)

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Synchronicity, maybe...

As time goes on, writing sort of becomes more difficult, but not because I loose skills or my texts are shitty, which might well be as well... no, the fact is as time goes on and I get to know more of myself through the things I experience, the things I live and the new memories that are being made every day, I see a tendency to draw back, to ponder longer, to doubt what it is I truly wish to share with this over-connected world... and whether this world (and by extension people who I'm either loosely or closely related to) truly deserves having more power over me... Either way, about a month since the last time I produced some form of written message to be published...

This said, I just wish to share some thought on synchronicity... the older generations might know this name from an album by The Police (pretty cool must say, and it's the one which has the song "Every Breath You Take", with one of the simplest chord progressions and yet most astonishing result)...

Back to the topic... Someone pretty close to me rather recently (take or give a month or two) talked to me about synchronicities, what they are, how they do happen... and of course, at first I was sort of taken aback at the prospect... but then some started sieving through the fabric of the reality that envelops me... and man! I gotta say it's beautiful the way the universe communicates with us, although it can make one even more fearful of the unknown and the extent one is not in control of anything at all... but there is such beauty in it, especially if you take time in recognizing it... synchronicities at their best...
However, this does not mean the universe only brings good things around. No sir! It also brings shitstorms and plaguelike states, because it is sort of a nasty 15-year-old teenager with a temper... on the good side, these storms are there only to help us move forward to greatness... and before greatness, there is always pain... but what a shitty world it would be if we never suffered any pain or loss...  we wouldn't learn, we wouldn't appreciate times, people and things that remind us that we are happy and we are to share this happiness with others, even if it's not well received...

I drift in and out, I know... maybe the best I can say is that staring fear at the face I have come to know its name, and learning about how the universe works, does not make me any less fearful... but it helps me learn and cope with the deepest fear mankind has, the one we will most definitely accompany us until our trip to the lands beyond...

Two synchronicities for you...

Sinéad O'Connor & The Chieftains "The Foggy Dew"
No day copies yesterday,
no two nights will teach what bliss is
in precisely the same way,
with precisely the same kisses.
Why do we treat the fleeting day
with so much needless fear and sorrow?
It’s in its nature not to stay:
Today is always gone tomorrow

W.Szymborska Nothing Twice