viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

The enemy speaks...

Yes, I am the enemy, as most in my place and with my attitude. Why? Because we have faces, we have minds that work and we use them to think. Those in my place have functional brains and use them often instead of keeping them sedated under tons of lies and shrouds of stupidity which are the fodder the entertainment industry and ultimately banks and stock markets feed us.

Yes, I am the enemy. I re-send and re-post every bit and piece of information that I value useful to the struggle of the people for their rights, our struggle, our war. Positive news I'm reading of late such as that Iceland forced their banks to pay for their own debt instead of making the people pay. There is still hope...
A general strike without the support of the so-called unions (which no longer defend the working man and woman but the banks and the corrupt government). One strike after the other, keep the hits coming their way, let the usurpers of the people's rights and liberty loose all what they won squandering our efforts, time and labor.

Yes, I am the enemy. I think and am therefore dangerous. I am the enemy because I've defied the system since I began to make use of my reasoning abilities. I follow not the given path that was sold to my generation: go to school, go to secondary school, pop your cherry in your teens, get a weekend job and then party hard, get a degree, get a real job, get married, (all that before turning 30 or you'll be unsuccessful), get a mortgage for 30 years, have children, do not think, consume, watch television, believe your politicians, trust your banking system, retire, whither, die... No, I am the enemy.
I have always challenged the system, even if it utterly forced me to get the same results later than everyone else: in secondary school I asked why... five years to finish my last two. In college I asked why and challenged what was being "taught"... seven years to finish four.

Yes, I am the enemy and I have often challenged the "common sense". I call myself theoretical national-socialist and am against the useless, sold-out Spanish worker unions, and people call me Nazi, although I clearly set myself apart from the 3rd Reich (in what regards mass murder). I value private property and am thus called a fucking capitalist. I value and defend workers and am called communist. I proudly wear swastikas (symbol for good luck/fortune) and Thor's hammers because I'm heathen, against monotheism and I defend bloodlines and clanic behavior which enriches society and am either called a revolutionary or a Neonazi or simply stupid and deranged. I have radical feminism because it's just the complete opposite of the male dictatorship and am thus called a reactionist. I am against over-sexualization of gay love and the use of it in political agendas and am thus called a hater...

Well... I am the proud enemy and to all who label me in fear for they do not dare to challenge the system because it's easier for them to bow down and be slaves I say:
Shove it, weaklings!
My freedom, my life, my blood, my time. My mind is only mine to be built and make use of, my love is mine to give to whomever I want, my life is mine to live, my body is mine, my blood is mine to be proud of and be defended by, my heritage is mine own wherever I go. My freedom I fight for in any form I have at hand.

(A Great Man's Return by Thyrfing)